JCM 116 Repair Sleeve for Concrete Steel Cylinder Pipe and Large Diameter Pipe
The JCM 116 Repair Sleeve for Concrete Steel Cylinder Pipe provides a quick easy means of repairing and reinforcing damaged concrete steel cylinder pipe of all sizes. This repair sleeve permits repairs to be made on any side of the pipe - without requiring complete stripping of the concrete. The standard repair gasket seals around a 12” damaged area. Larger repair sizes are available. This sleeve is especially recommended for larger sizes of pipe and where the concrete and pipe require reinforcement.
Minimal Pipe Excavation - JCM 116 Repair Sleeve requires limited pipe exposure around the damaged area. Full section joint exposure is eliminated. Wide Supportive Body - reinforces pipe which is weakened due to structural interruption. The body’s grout seal assembly provides a system for replacement of the critical corrosion retarding concrete encasement. By restoring the concrete casing, the steel cylinder is protected from corrosive elements. Eliminates Excessive Concrete Coating Removal - concrete removal is limited to the damaged area only, preventing further pipe structural damage. Epoxy Coated Repair Plate - the internal repair plate is fusion epoxy coated to provide a quality repair protected against corrosion in the pipe interior.
Eliminates Welding On Thin Cylinders - JCM 116 directly repairs the damaged cylinder making a watertight seal, preventing the line contents from infiltrating the concrete-steel interface. Availability - The JCM 116 Repair Sleeve for Concrete Steel Cylinder Pipe is available from JCM on both an emergency and a contingency basis. Timely delivery and installation prevents extensive pipe damage, content loss and environmental violations.
JCM 116 Repair Sleeve for Large Diameter Pipe The JCM 116 Repair Sleeve is also recommended for repairs on large diameter pipe including cast iron, ductile iron, steel, and other types of large diameter rigid pipe. The direct concentration of bolting pressure to the repair gland area enables the 116 to repair the damaged area while maintaining the pipeline’s pressure capability. JCM 116 Repair Sleeves for Concrete Steel Cylinder Pipe are Priced on Application. For quotation, contact the JCM Engineered and Technical Sales Team at 1-800-527-8482 or 1-903- 832-2581
Price List Effective February 3, 2025. Cancels all previous prices. Prices are subject to change without notice. 800.527.8482 sales@jcmindustries.com jcmindustries.com
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