JCM February 3 2025 Price List FBPDF

JCM 203 Steel Transition Couplings

The JCM 203 Steel Transition Coupling provides a simple means of joining plain end pipe of the same nominal size but different outside diameter dimensions. The couplings are especially useful in joining old cast iron pipe to ductile iron pipe. Listed are the most common sizes. Other sizes are available upon request. Also see JCM 212 Ductile Iron Couplings.

Transition to OD Range (IN)

From Pipe OD Range (IN)

Appr Wt Each Lbs

Nom Pipe Size (IN)

Catalog Number List Price Each

14 16 18 20 24

15.65 17.80 19.92 22.06 26.32

15.30 17.40 19.50 21.60 25.80

203-1565-1530 203-1780-1740 203-1992-1950 203-2206-2160 203-2632-2580


1,349.31 1,455.26 1,635.29 2,381.15 2,792.19

85 95

115 125 145

JCM 204 Steel Reducing Couplings

The JCM 204 Steel Reducing Coupling is the simplest means of connecting any combination of two sizes or types of pipe. There is practically no limit to the pipe sizes that can be connected - either to reduce or increase in size. One common use is joining large steel pipe to ductile iron or C900 (905) PVC pipe. Listed are the most common sizes. Other sizes are available upon request.

Transition to OD Range (IN)

From Pipe OD Range (IN)

Appr Wt Each Lbs

Nom Pipe Size (IN)

Catalog Number List Price Each

15.30 15.65 16.75 17.40 17.80 18.88 19.50 19.92 21.60 22.06 25.80 26.32

14.00 14.00 15.30 16.00 16.00 17.40 18.00 18.00 20.00 20.00 24.00 24.00

204-1530-1400 204-1565-1400 204-1675-1530 204-1740-1600 204-1780-1600 204-1888-1740 204-1950-1800 204-1992-1800 204-2160-2000 204-2206-2000 204-2580-2400 204-2632-2400


3,080.05 3,149.89 3,214.43 3,265.28 3,338.66 3,391.51 3,501.59 3,575.09 3,817.18 3,925.60 4,193.17 4,324.25

170 170 190 195 195 205 215 215 230 230 264 264






OTHER SIZES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST Applications in which pipe may move out of the coupling, correct anchorage of the pipe must be provided.




Price List Effective February 3, 2025. Cancels all previous prices. Prices are subject to change without notice. 800.527.8482 sales@jcmindustries.com jcmindustries.com

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