JCM February 3 2025 Price List FBPDF

JCM 106 Bell Joint Leak Clamps - IPS PVC, IPS HDPE

JCM 106 Bell Joint Leak Clamps - For quick repair or water tight joint assurance for rubber joint PVC pipe, solvent weld pipe or coupled pipe specify JCM 106 Bell Joint Leak Clamps. These clamps are engineered to provide a simple, dependable repair or assured joint. In addition, the JCM 106 eliminates possible notching of PVC pipe and offers maximum versatility and corrosion resistance.

Nom Pipe Size (IN)

Appr Wt Each Lbs

Max Std Cplg Length

Clamp OD Range (IN)

Catalog Number

List Price Each

Max Bell OD

Max Lip OD

Overall Length*

4 6 8

4.50 6.63 8.63

106-0450 348.27 $ 106-0663 382.66 106-0863 528.94

12 17 21

6.13 8.25

5.43 7.56 9.56

11.5 11.5 11.5

7 7 7


*Dimension will change with use of studs Dimensions shown in inches

JCM 143 Pipe Sizes 4” - 12” Cast Iron Pipe, Ductile Iron Pipe, C-900 PVC Strong - Split, interlocking rings provide a solid base for maximum gasket compression. Heavy duty ductile iron components for the life of the pipeline. Clamp comes complete to repair cast iron, ductile iron and C-900 PVC in its nominal size. Simple transfer from shelf to job site to pipe joint without confusion. Install under pressure to repair leaking joint or install as a leak preventative on older pipe joints that have been excavated or disturbed during other pipeline maintenance (a low-cost, long-term insurance policy).

JCM 143 Bell Joint Leak Clamps - CI, DI, C900, DI/HDPE Fabricated Bell Joint Leak Clamps with split, bolt-on designed provides a positive seal for large diameter Ductile Iron and Cast Iron leaking bells. Designed for long-term service and immediate delivery JCM 143 Pipe Sizes 14” and Larger for Ductile Iron/Cast Iron Pipe, C900, HDPE Fused Couplings

Nom Pipe Size (IN)

Max Bell OD (IN)

Appr Wt Each Lbs

Clamp OD Range (IN)

Catalog Number

List Price Each $ 354.87

4 6 8

4.80 - 5.00 6.90 - 7.10 9.05 - 9.30

143-0480 8.69 143-0690 11.13 143-0905 13.50

23 27 43 51 59

391.81 542.81 731.00 843.54

10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36

11.10 - 11.40 143-1110 15.50 13.20 - 13.50 143-1320 17.88

15.30 17.40 19.50 21.60 25.80 32.00 38.30

143-1530 20.56 143-1740 23.25 143-1950 25.75 143-2160 27.94 143-2580 32.38 143-3200 38.88 143-3830 45.31

3,037.47 150 3,492.15 160 3,753.94 220 4,097.03 318 4,796.63 380 5,827.99 500 7,265.66 691

Sizes 14” and larger based on working ranges of industry standard pipe tolerances +/- To ensure exact fit when ordering provide specific bell/spigot outside diameters. JCM 143 Bell Joint Leak Clamp 14” and Larger - Fabricated Steel Larger Sizes & Other Ranges Available, Contact JCM Sales Team 1-800-527-8482 or 903-832-2581.


Price List Effective February 3, 2025. Cancels all previous prices. Prices are subject to change without notice. 800.527.8482 sales@jcmindustries.com jcmindustries.com

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