JCM February 3 2025 Price List FBPDF

JCM 610 Sur-Grip Fitting Restrainer Anchors IPS, C900 PVC Pipe, HDPE & Ductile Iron Pipe to mechanical joint and fittings provided with anchor lugs.

Appr Wt Each Lbs

Serrated Ring Body Width

Nom Pipe Size (IN)

Pipe OD Range (IN)

T-Head Bolts

List Price Each

Catalog Number

Bolt Size 3/4 X 9-1/2 3/4 X 9-1/2 3/4 X 9-1/2 3/4 X 9-1/2 3/4 X 9-1/2 3/4 X 9-1/2


4 4 6 6 8 8

4.50 4.80 6.63 6.90 8.63 9.05

610-0450 2-1/2” 610-0480 2-1/2” 610-0663 2-1/2” 610-0690 2-1/2” 610-0863 2-3/4” 610-0905 2-3/4”

2 2 2 2 2 2


195.84 195.84 208.82 208.82 330.34 330.34

12 12 15 15 22 22

Contact JCM for Information

10 12

11.10 13.20

610-1320 2-3/4”

3/4 X 9-1/2




JCM 620 Sur-Grip Bell Joint Restrainer

Anchors IPS PVC, C900 PVC Pipe and Ductile Iron Pipe over the bell, flexible couplings and other low profile joints


Nom Pipe Size (IN)

Follower Ring Qty

Pipe OD Range (IN)

Serrated Ring Body Width

Appr Wt Each Lbs

Compression Follower Ring Width

Catalog Number

List Price Each

Bolt Size 3/4 X 12 3/4 X 12 3/4 X 12


4 4 6 6 8 8

4.50 4.80 6.63 6.90 8.63 9.05

620-0450 2-1/2” 620-0480 2-1/2” 620-0663 2-1/2” 620-0690 2-1/2” 620-0863 2-3/4” 620-0905 2-3/4”

1-3/8” 1-3/8” 1-1/2” 1-1/2” 1-3/4” 1-3/4”

2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2 2 2


215.90 215.90 256.01 256.01 425.90 425.90

16 16 21 21 32 32

3/4 X 12 3/4 X 14 3/4 X 14

Contact JCM for Information

10 12

11.10 13.20


620-1320 2-3/4”



3/4 X 18-1/2




JCM 621 Sur-Grip Restrainer

Qty Anchors IPS PVC, C900 PVC Pipe, HDPE and Ductile Iron Pipe over flexible couplings and other low profile joints. Provides serrated restraint on both sides of joint. Nom Pipe Size (IN) Pipe OD Range (IN) Catalog Number Serrated Ring Body Width Compression Follower Ring Width Follower Ring Qty Bolts List Price Each Appr Wt Each Lbs

Bolt Size 3/4 X 12 3/4 X 12 3/4 X 12

4 4 6 6 8 8

4.50 4.80 6.63 6.90 8.63 9.05

621-0450 2-1/2” 621-0480 2-1/2” 621-0663 2-1/2” 621-0690 2-1/2” 621-0863 2-3/4” 621-0905 2-3/4”

1-3/8” 1-3/8” 1-1/2” 1-1/2” 1-3/4” 1-3/4”

2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2 2 2


391.69 391.69 418.82 418.82 659.50 659.50

17 17 24 24 38 38

3/4 X 12 3/4 X 14 3/4 X 14

Contact JCM for Information

10 12

11.10 13.20


621-1320 2-3/4”



3/4 X 18-1/2




JCM 610/620 Sur-Grip Restrainers - rated for 235 PSI on DR-18 PVC Pipe, and equal to the pipe rating on other classes. JCM 610 and 620 Sur-Grip Restrainers are rated for 350 PSI on Ductile Iron Pipe with a 2:1 safety factor.


Price List Effective February 3, 2025. Cancels all previous prices. Prices are subject to change without notice. 800.527.8482 sales@jcmindustries.com jcmindustries.com

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